Meeting regulatory requirements effortlessly and clearly
Cybersecurity, GDPR, technology standards, ISO, ecology... Today's business environment is increasingly shaped by regulation and complex directives. Regfor, Cysensic's flagship application, provides an intuitive tool to manage regulatory requirements efficiently and clearly. It allows you to easily track and comply with current regulations so you can focus on what's most important to your business. The undeniable benefit is increased credibility with your customers and partners.
About us
The company cysensic s.r.o. specializes in the analysis and implementation of legal and technical standards in the environment of commercial organizations, public authorities, and self-government bodies. Digitalization of their processes in the field of governance and compliance, and support for their digital transformation. We help organizations effectively deal with the complex requirements of legislation and technical regulation while modernizing their approach to compliance management.
Why regfor
Effective management of compliance and cybersecurity is an increasingly important task. In organizations, it is essential to prevent material and reputational damage, ensure business continuity, and maintain trust with customers and partners.
The regfor application helps organizations to ensure a rational, meaningful, and cost-effective level of compliance in line with market and industry best practices and legislative requirements.
Our clients
regfor demo
Are you interested in our service and want to learn more about regfor? Contact us and order a free demo for 14 days (no further obligation) to try everything out for yourself.
Key benefits
Keep your compliance and cybersecurity up-to-date and in line with the requirements of legal standards and security methodologies.
Smart approach to compliance
The requirements of legislation and security methodologies in one place, clearly and according to the type of your organization and the complexity of its activities. regfor identifies real risks based on a realistic analysis of requirements and threats and recommends reasonable corrective measures tailored to your company.
Focus on simplicity
The regulations and rules are complex, but regfor will guide you through them in the easiest way, with an emphasis on the essential and important. A simple tool to communicate, share information and documents, and bring other key people in your organization "into the process".
Perfect overview
Essential information in an easy-to-understand structure, available online to anyone who needs it. Manage your entire regulatory ecosystem in one place - from group companies to individual links in supply chains.
Automation and AI
Automation of processes and repetitive tasks (collection and preparation of data for audits, reporting, administration and consolidation of documentation, etc.), which reduces their time-consuming nature and allows you to focus on the essentials. AI bots search and analyze information, prepare reports, and implement actions that adapt to the organization's environment and respond to the current security exposure.
Access to expertise
regfor is your practical guide to compliance, including cybersecurity. It makes available the skills, knowledge, and experience of leading experts in the field. It monitors the security of your organization and your suppliers in cyberspace and alerts you when information is leaked to the internet, deep web, and darknet.
regfor modules
The regfor application consists of 10 functional modules, which are linked to each other.
Currently available modules
An easy-to-understand guide to the requirements of standards and methodologies in the areas of security, digitalization, artificial intelligence, human resource management, supplier management, and environmental protection.
A design module to identify, manage, and monitor corrective and safety measures identified in the compliance analysis and risk assessment.
An integrated OSINT tool for analyzing an organization's risk exposure to the Internet, deep web, and darknet.
Verification of credibility and risk exposure of suppliers. Analytical module for automated retrieval of information about third parties.
Module for long-term secure storage, sharing, and distribution of information, documents, and other content throughout the tool.
Modules in development
An integrated tool for the management and documentation of security events and incidents.
A module for intuitive management of the compliance and security ecosystem of the organization, subordinate units, suppliers, and their chains.
A module for preparing and automating internal or external compliance, cybersecurity, and third-party audits.
An integrated platform for compliance and cybersecurity training.
Module for access to premium services, documentation, and content.
Contact us for an introduction to regfor application
Expert applications for managing your compliance and cybersecurity